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Bali Religious Wedding

The island of Bali is one of nature's greatest achievements on beauty and joy. The island's naturally warm magnificence indulges many people to come and enjoy it for decades. Its splendor has been known throughout the world, and attracts lovers and couples to spend their romantic days there. A lot of them, mesmerized by its romantic atmosphere, decided to have their exchanging vows in the Bali Wedding style.

Bali Religious Wedding | Bali Wedding Organizer

A religious ceremony must be performed before the civil ceremony. Therefore, those who have already been legally married in their own country but wish to exchange their vows or even renew their vows may take this type of service.

It is important to know that Indonesia will marry any couple who hold one of the 5 religions recognised by this country (Protestant, Catholic, Muslim, Hindu or Buddhist) and actually prefer that the couple are of the same religious belief, the religious ceremony is performed by a representative of the couple’s own religious belief i.e. Protestant couple may not have a Hindu ceremony but it is possible to have a Symbolic Balinese Blessing.

There are 5 kinds religious ceremony you can choose :

balinese hindu wedding

Balinese Blessing Hindu Ceremony

Many couple who are already legally married or some reason don’t want to be legally married in Bali,but still wish to have experience how marriage by Balinese tradition, they’re tried Balinese Blessing Ceremony..

It’s important to know that this is not legal wedding ceremony and no certification will be presented at the end of it.

bali moslem wedding

Wedding Moslem Ceremony

Moslem wedding is one of the Legal religious weddings, which is conducted by Moslem Minister called “Penghulu”. .

After the ceremony the couple will received the marriage certificate from the celebrants called “ Buku Nikah “ that issued by Moslem Courts called “ KUA” (Kantor Urusan Agama) which is already legalized by the government and this certificate will be legal

bali buddhist wedding

Wedding Buddhist Ceremony

Buddhist Wedding is the wedding ceremony which is conducted by Buddhist Celebrant called MONK and the ceremony is only can be performed at the Buddhist temple called Vihara.

the Monk will not allowed to come to the hotel/villas or venue to conduct and blessing your wedding as it has been one of the rule and regulation from Buddhist Society.

bali christian wedding

Wedding Christian Ceremony

Protestant wedding / Church of England is religious wedding lead by the Protestant Celebrant called “PENDETA”.

The easiest wedding ceremony and requirements is protestant way, it doesn’t require much paperwork. The couple will received certificate of Marriage from the Protestant Church in Bali and the couple can continued to have the Civil Ceremony to legalize.

bali catholic wedding

Wedding Catholic Ceremony

Catholic wedding is religious wedding lead by Catholic Priest called “ROMO” wedding by way Catholic way will be required much paper works and both partner must be single status, Catholic Church will not allowed for divorce person to marriage again except if the former spouse is not Catholic. For The Catholic Service, the Holy Matrimony could not be perform in the chapels or any other outside venue, now the service should be peform in the Catholic Curch.


Bali Wedding Services

All couples who marry in Indonesia must declare a religion. Agnosticism and Atheism are not recognized. details
The Civil Registry Office can record marriages of persons of Islam... details
You will receive two certificates which will be presented at the end of both ceremonies... details
Our expert wedding planners can help oversee every detail, from practicalities like airport transfers... details


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